The event that we usually consider the first SMI event was the workshop “Shape Modeling: Parallelism, Interactivity and Applications”, organized in 1994 in Aizu-Wakamatsu. SMI was officially launched by Prof. Tosiyasu Kunii in 1997 in Japan, with the goal to create a multi-disciplinary community concerned with computation techniques for modeling and processing digital representations of shapes and their properties.
From 2001 the SMI conference became an annual event with the venue changing circularly from Asia to Europe and to America. Traditionally it includes the Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH Workshop on Implicit Surfaces as a specific session. Previous conferences were organised in Japan (1997, 1999), Italy (2001), Canada (2002), South Korea (2003), Italy (2004), USA (2005), and Japan (2006).
In 2004, SMI was co-located for the first time with Solid Modeling within the first Convention on Shapes & Solids, held in Genova, Italy. The co-location was repeated in 2005 at the MIT, Boston.
SMI is traditionally organized with an in-cooperation status with ACM SIGGRAPH, the EUROGRAPHICS, and the Computer Graphics Society.
The SMI proceedings are published by the IEEE Computer Society and available on the IEE Digital Library. Special issues of international journals have been always organized on a selection of best papers presented at the conference.