SMI Special Issues
Last modified: June 6, 2008
The following special issues have been published on the basis of a selection of papers presented at the conference:
  1. SMI ’08
  2. IEEE TVCG Joint Special Issue with SPM’08 (to be published)
  3. Graphical Models (to be published)
  4. The Visual Computer (to be published)
  5. SMI ’05 & SMI ’06 (joint special issue)
  6. The Visual Computer International (to be published)
  7. SMI ’04
  8. International Journal of Shape Modeling, vol. 11 (1), World Scientific Publishing Company, June 2005
  9. Graphical Models, vol. 68 (1), Elsevier, 2005
  10. SMI ’03
  11. Graphical Models, vol. 67 (3), Elsevier, May 2005
  12. SMI ’02
  13. International Journal of Shape Modeling, vol. 8 (2), World Scientific Publishing Company, December 2002
SMI ’01
  1. International Journal of Shape Modeling, vol. 7 (2), World Scientific Publishing Company, December  2001
  2. The Visual Computer, vol.19 (2-3), Springer, 2003.
SMI ’99
  1. International Journal of Shape Modeling, vol. 5 (2), World Scientific Publishing Company, December 1999
SMI ’97  
  1. International Journal of Shape Modeling, vol. 3 (1&2), World Scientific Publishing Company, March & June 1997